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Albuquerque Wedding Photographer | Little Wedding Chapel Sandiago’s Last weekend, family and friends gathered together for the wedding of Brent and Brandy. The ceremony was held at the family owned business, A Celebration of Love Wedding Chapel in Nob hill. Followed closely was the reception at Sandiagos Grill at the Tram. Before the ceremony, everyone […]

Albuquerque Newborn Photographer | Baby Boy and Sister Rarely do you get to experience a wide awake newborn. We were fortunate enough to get to see this sweet baby boy completely awake and looking around. His sweet big eyes took everything in. At this age, we are on baby’s schedule. Whatever works for them, works […]

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Albuquerque Family Photographer | Fall Bosque Twins Fall is the perfect time to update your family’s photographs. Our light in New Mexico is unlike anywhere else in the world. When the earth starts to die back, and the days get shorter, the aspen and cottonwood leaves turn golden. These golden days are fleeting, and the […]